Original Verge editor-in-chief Joshua Topolsky vouches for Ziegler
Just a few hours ago, via Twitter, co-founder of The Verge and former editor-in-chief, Joshua Topolsky, commented on yesterday’s bizarre…

Just a few hours ago, via Twitter, co-founder of The Verge and former editor-in-chief, Joshua Topolsky, commented on yesterday’s bizarre Chris Ziegler story.

The fact that Chris Ziegler was a founding editor of The Verge is why this story surreal. He isn’t a freelancer or a dodgy writer. He was an early face for the technology site, one that fans actually knew. Heck, I’ve probably listened to days worth of Ziegler commentary in Verge and Engadget podcasts.
It feels like there’s a lot more to this story, and because of, perhaps, Apple secrecy it might be a long time before we hear the other side.
The fact that some of Ziegler’s former colleagues and friends don’t even know what’s going on is telling. There may be something a lot less comical about the “tech-blogger-actually-paid-by-Apple-lol” story that we just don’t know about.