The Verge keeps fake PewDiePie clickbait on its homepage
According to The Verge’s homepage PewDiePie quit YouTube.

According to The Verge’s homepage PewDiePie quit YouTube.

Or at least that’s the conclusion one might make from the associated thumbnail.
But no, he isn’t. Instead ‘Pewds’ just decided to take a week break from a pop-up vlog he was running through a stay in LA. The YouTube star even posted a video explaining the stress of producing daily videos while also taping a new series of Scare PewDiePie on YouTube Red.
If you take a quick look at PewDiePie’s YouTube channel you’ll quickly find he’s back.
Conclusion: The Verge’s Ben Popper clearly just didn’t understand that A: vlogging is not PewDiePie’s main focus and B: quitting =/= taking a week off from posting to YouTube.
But hey, I’m sure posting a clickbait article about YouTube stars quitting YouTube alongside a photo of PewDiePie, who is not quitting YouTube, must help keep the lights on at The Verge.
Here’s Popper’s response to article comments: