2Day FM promises 'the hits before they hit'

2Day FM Sydney is ditching its crusty music format for a fresh new one, which is a shock in a market that almost entirely caters mainly to older millennials with "throwbacks" galore.
It's gotten so bad that Triple J, a previously 'alternative' station, now plays a way more diverse, pop-music sound, with no other competition in the 'new music' space.
Other stations have headed towards an existential dead-end of targeting older and older audiences, often choosing remixes of old songs over new music. Maybe it could even lead to 2Day FM playing the music that Australian Spotify charts show people do actually listen to, instead of letting music programmers and labels dictate playlists:
“Sydney is craving something fresh and relevant and that’s exactly what we’re delivering,” SCA chief content officer, Dave Cameron, said. “In a city saturated by old shows with old voices, all doing the same old dirty gear, and playing the same old songs day after day — without supporting new music and new artists — 1041 2Day FM is stepping up with a format that’s forward-thinking, energetic, and focussed on bringing exciting new music to listeners, alongside exciting new voices at breakfast.
“Younger music lovers and creators have been left behind, but that changes today with our guarantee to play more new music than our competitors,” Cameron added. “Take a listen to 1041 2Day FM from today, and you’ll hear something unlike any other Sydney station.”
Let's see if they give it a chance.