Kotaku’s No Man’s Sky review
My thoughts on No Man’s Sky change every day, and Kotaku’s review of the game has the same observation.
My thoughts on No Man’s Sky change every day, and Kotaku’s review of the game has the same observation.
Then the PC version came out, and I decided to start fresh. This time, I thought, I’d do things differently. I knew what the game was now. Maybe I could finally enjoy it.
Turns out I was right.
A lot of the people reviewing No Man’s Sky, I feel, dislike it because they need to rush through it. That’s their job.
And while NMS isn’t a perfect game, it’s the perfect game for a lazy Sunday. It’s a game that you should play when you have nothing else to do. A game where you should feel good about just stopping on one planet and smelling the flowers for an hour.
People who like Ubisoft style checklists might hate it for that reason, and sometimes I do feel like I’m wasting time. But at the same time it’s almost a meditative if you focus on smaller objectives, rather than the main objective of reaching the centre of the universe.